Wie funktioniert die Zertifizierung bei Motorrad Bekleidung?

How does certification work for motorcycle clothing?

On the road, good motorcycle clothing is synonymous with a good riding experience. To classify them, their mechanical resistance, i.e. abrasion resistance, tear resistance and seam strength, is tes...

ROKKER - die Schweizer Premium-Brand für Motorradbekleidung - gibt in diesem Blog hilfreiche Tipps rund um das Thema Motorrad im Regen fahren.

Riding a motorcycle in the rain: Stay safe in the saddle with these tips

Rainy weather is often a damper for many motorcyclists. The idea of slippery roads, poor visibility and battling against the wet weather conditions can certainly dampen the joy of riding. But with ...

ROKKER - dein Premium-Hersteller für lässige Motorradbekleidung erklärt hier im Blog alle Fragen rund um das Thema Motorradbekleidung imprägnieren

Waterproofing motorcycle clothing: How to stay dry!

As a passionate motorcyclist, you know how to play with the elements: sunshine here, an unexpected downpour there. But one thing must not fall by the wayside - your comfort and protection with well...

Die Motorradbekleidungs-Profis von ROKKER erklären dir hier im Blog, wie du dein Motorrad waschen kannst, damit es wieder so richtig glänzt

Wash your bike like the pros: how to make your bike shine like new

Every motorcycle adventure, from winding mountain passages in the Alps to extended coastal rides, not only leaves behind unforgettable moments, but also a lot of dust and dirt that settles on your ...

Die Schweizer Premium-Motorrad-Brand Rokker gibt wertvolle Tipps rund um das Thema Motorrad für Frauen.

Motorcycles for women: Your guide to the perfect bike

Motorcycling is no longer ONLY a male domain. More and more women are conquering the roads with full enthusiasm for their steel two-wheelers. But what challenges do they face on their way to findin...

ROKKER setzt stets auf Motorradbekleidung Schutzklassen der höchsten Schutzstufen und erklärt hier im Blog die Begriffe der Schutzklassen von A bis AAA.

CE certification and the various motorcycle clothing protection classes - we guide you through the jungle of classes

Play it safe - tried and tested advice that we always take to heart in everyday life when we take precautionary measures to minimize risks and protect ourselves from potential dangers. And you shou...